Dev / stage environment

How to Write a Business Plan

"Here at CrowdBnk we are committed to helping entrepreneurs develop their idea, no matter what state your business plan is. "
  • Written By: Vicky
  • Role: Operations
  • Date: 20th August 2013
  • Time: 10:22 am

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How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

We see the whole spectrum when it comes to business plans – from brilliant to not worth the paper they’re printed on.  Common features of the better business plans are that they are clear, well-structured and a compelling read.  The inferior ones, on the other hand, tend to be poorly written, internally inconsistent with inadequate research to support the claims.

Here at CrowdBnk we are committed to helping entrepreneurs develop their idea, no matter what state your business plan is.  We won’t write it for you, but we’ll do whatever we can to help guide you the process and produce a professional and compelling document that will convince CrowdBnk supporters to back your idea.
We considered writing an in-depth “how-to” guide, but quickly realised that others have already done a much better job than we could ever hope to do.  So, instead we decided to compile a list of the better resources out there:

Free web resources


FT Writing A Business Plan

Business Plans for Dummies

Business Plans Made Really Simple

Anatomy of a Business Plan

Combine these tools with CrowdBnk’s easy-to-use template, and you’ll be well positioned to write a great plan that will get investors’ attention.