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Crowdfunding 101 - Part 4: Make a Video!

"Part 4 of our 8 week series describes how to make a video."
  • Written By: Maria
  • Role: Marketing
  • Date: 6th December 2013
  • Time: 11:15 am

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Crowdfunding 101 - Part 4: Make a Video!

Welcome to the fourth part in our series Crowdfunding 101.  Join us for the next 2 weeks to learn more about how to build and run a successful crowdfunding campaign.  We have all the best hints tips and tricks to help you make your great idea a reality.

This is part 4 of 8.  Come back every Wednesday and Friday for more tips

Get Creative - Make a Video!

While it is critical that you get the tone of your written pitch right, equally important is the correct use of multimedia.  We encourage all of our entrepreneurs to take the time to make a video describing their project – the reason for this is that we’ve noticed that the video is often the first thing people look at when they visit a project page and has a significant impact on whether a project successfully reaches its funding target or not.

Now, we realise that most entrepreneurs aren’t Steven Spielberg, but don’t worry – the video doesn’t need to be a high production value affair.  If you can draw you could do a fun and entertaining animated video (we loved what the ‘My Pint’ team did) or you could simply set-up a camera and explain to your audience what your idea is with no special effects.  We know that it may feel unnatural or awkward being in front of the camera at first, but trust us – it will have a real impact on the success of your project if people can see who they’re investing in.

How you structure your video is up to you, but generally it should a few key things:

  • Introduce yourself to the CrowdBnk community and explain how you’ve got to where you are.
  • Explain your idea and what’s so great about it.  Tell the crowd where it came from and why you are going to make a difference
  • If your project is an equity one, tell people why you think it is going to succeed and how you plan on providing people a return on their investment.
  • If, on the other hand, your project is rewards-based tell people how awesome your rewards are and why CrowdBnkers should want them!
  • Finally, provide a little detail on what you need the money for and how you plan on using it

Now, for a few rules (sorry!): please don’t offend anyone or infringe anyone’s copyright rights, and while we would love to see your feature length film, sadly most CrowdBnkers won’t so try to keep it under 2 minutes.

See you next wednesday for the next installment:  How to incentivise your supporters - Promote Your Project and Seek Out Investors

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

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